How Long Will it Take to Get a Master of Accounting Degree?

If you want to becoming an accountant or a professional in the field of accounting, the first thing you need to do is complete an accounting education program so that you can earn your degree. While a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting will help teach you the fundamentals of accounting and the principles of accounting on an individual, government, and corporate level, it is best to get an advanced degree if you want to be taken seriously by corporations, members of society and government agencies. If you want to earn your Master’s degree so that you can move on to earn your CPA, you may be wondering how much time you will need to dedicate to schooling. Here is a straightforward guide how much time you will need to earn your Master of Accounting Degree.

The Average Time it Takes to Earn Your Undergraduate Degree

The first step in earning a graduate accounting degree is earning your undergraduate degree from a school that is a member of a reputable accreditation body. The time that it takes to complete your undergraduate degree will play a major role in the total time it takes to complete your accounting education. If you enroll in a traditional degree program full-time, you can expect to earn a Bachelor’s in Accounting in 48 months.

If you enroll in school on a part-time basis, it could take 5 to 7 years, depending on limitations that are set by the school. Distance education programs tend to have accelerated Bachelor’s programs where you can earn a degree in 36 months or even less. If you can realistically attend school on a full-time basis and dedicate at least 36 to 40 hours a week towards your degree, you will be able to graduate and move on to graduate school.

Gaining the Experience you Need to Enroll in Graduate School

Most graduate schools require that accounting students have experience in the field before they will accept the student into an advanced degree program. If your goal is to earn your Master of Accounting degree, the next step will be to fulfill the professional experience requirements that are set by all of the most respected schools. Some schools require that you have 2 years of professional experience, while others require 5 or more. Consider the professional experience requirements while you are in school so that you have realistic expectations for graduate school.

How Long Will a Master’s Degree Program in Accounting Take?

The time frame that it takes to complete a master’s degree program depends entirely on the program you choose. Some schools offer accelerated curriculum that can be completed in 12 months, others have a traditional semester setup that takes 2 years to complete. When you consider the program on a semester hour basis, you can earn your MAcc in a year if you take school all year, and in 2 years if you enter a program that requires more than the common 36 semester hours.

A Master’s degree with a concentration in accounting will prepare you for a variety of careers, from forensic accountancy to tax accounting. Make sure that you recognize the benefits of pursuing a Master’s degree, become a CPA, and enter a field where job growth is high and only predicted to grow.

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